Galileo orbiter
Galileo orbiter

galileo orbiter

Galileo's cameras were deactivated on Januafter they had sustained irrecoverable radiation damage. The radiation environment near Io in particular was very unhealthy for Galileo's systems, and so these flybys were saved for the extended mission when loss of the spacecraft would be more acceptable. The closest approach was 180 km (112 mi) on October 15, 2001. Once Galileo's prime mission was concluded, an extended mission followed starting on Decemthe spacecraft made a number of daring close flybys of Jupiter's moons Europa and Io. The orbits were designed for close up flybys of Jupiter's largest moons. The differing distances from Jupiter afforded by these orbits allowed Galileo to sample different parts of the planet's extensive magnetosphere.

galileo orbiter

The spacecraft traveled around Jupiter in elongated ellipses, each orbit lasting about two months. Galileo's prime mission was a two-year study of the Jovian system. Terrestrial telescopes had to wait to see the impact sites as they rotated into view. In 1994 Galileo was perfectly positioned to watch the fragments of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 crash into Jupiter. Along the way Galileo performed close observation of the asteroids 951 Gaspra ( October 29, 1991) and 243 Ida, and discovered Ida's moon Dactyl. New safety protocols introduced as a result of the Challenger accident forced Galileo to use a lower-powered upper stage booster rocket, instead of a Centaur booster rocket, to send it from Earth orbit to Jupiter several gravitational slingshots (once by Venus and twice by Earth), called a "VEEGA" or Venus Earth Earth Gravity Assist maneuver, provided the additional velocity required to reach its destination. Galileo's launch had been significantly delayed by the hiatus in Space Shuttle launches that occurred after the Challenger space shuttle disaster. 6.4 Near failure of atmospheric probe parachute.6.2 Tape recorder anomalies and remote repair.5.4.2 Second asteroid encounter: 243 Ida and Dactyl.5.4.1 First asteroid encounter: 951 Gaspra.4 Science performed by the Galileo Orbiter at Jupiter. Energetic Particles Detector (EPD). Photopolarimeter-Radiometer (PPR). Ultraviolet Spectrometer / Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrometer (UVS/EUV). Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS).Of particular concern was the ice-crusted moon Europa, which, thanks to Galileo, scientists now suspect harbors a salt water ocean beneath its surface. On September 21, 2003, after 14 years in space and 8 years of service in the Jovian system, Galileo's mission was terminated by sending the orbiter into Jupiter's atmosphere at a speed of nearly 50 kilometres per second to avoid any chance of it contaminating local moons with bacteria from Earth.

galileo orbiter

Galileo conducted the first asteroid flyby, discovered the first asteroid moon, was the first spacecraft to orbit Jupiter, and launched the first probe into Jupiter's atmosphere. It arrived at Jupiter on December 7, 1995, a little more than six years later, via gravitational assist flybys of Venus and Earth. Named after the astronomer and Renaissance pioneer Galileo Galilei, it was launched on Octoby the Space Shuttle Atlantis on the STS-34 mission. Galileo was an unmanned spacecraft sent by NASA to study the planet Jupiter and its moons. Contributors are invited to replace and add material to make this an original article. The content on this page originated on Wikipedia and is yet to be significantly improved.

Galileo orbiter