Another word for satisfactory
Another word for satisfactory

another word for satisfactory

He maintains that falsifiability “should be taken as the criterion of demarcation” (Popper 2002, 345 Popper 2002b, 18). Popper retorts to this criticism by arguing that induction does not “provide a suitable ‘criterion of demarcation’” (Popper 2002b, 11).

another word for satisfactory

Popper understands that in rejecting induction, his critics would argue that he removed “the barriers which separate science from metaphysical speculation” (Popper 2002b, 11). Popper’s falsification is sometimes called “deductivism”, a term he also used to describe his approach (Sankey 2010, 253-254 Popper 2002b, 7). Popper argues that this model represents the practicalities of the scientific method more accurately, and that it provides us with a deductive argument, which gives us with certain knowledge. If we do find data that the hypothesis cannot explain, we therefore falsify our hypothesis, and we ought to give up the hypothesis for another one that comprehensively explains that new data. The essence of this model is to not justify the hypothesis with instances of empirical data that support it rather it is to find empirical data that proves the hypothesis wrong. The second is falsification, which entails that the hypothesis is tested by trying to find empirical data it cannot explain. The first is based on falsifiability, which is the formulation of a testable hypothesis that explains the empirical data. Popper’s method may be considered as an “anti-inductivist version of the hypothetico-deductive method” (Sankey 2010, 253). After all, it could be that nature is not uniform at all (Hume 2002, 304-305). To justify induction with this assumption would be tantamount to justifying induction with induction. Hume argues that this reasoning is circular because the assumption is based on the thing that we are seeking to justify. Popper reflects Hume’s position by asserting that to logically justify induction “we should have to employ inductive inferences” (Popper 2002b, 5). However, the only way to justify this assumption would be to use induction. Inductive arguments are based on an assumption that nature is uniform, or as Hume asserts, “the future will resemble the past” (Hume 2002, 305). Hume does not restrict his argument to the uncertainty of induction he claims that induction is not justified in any way. “it is far from obvious, from a logical point of view, that we are justified in inferring universal statements from singular ones, no matter how numerous for any conclusion drawn in this way may always turn out to be false: no matter how many instances of white swans we may have observed, it does not justify the conclusion that all swans are white.” (Popper 2002b, 4) He agrees with Hume that to use a limited set of experiences to conclude for an unobserved experience would not give rise to certainty (Hume 2002, 298-310). Popper is not convinced by the scientific status quo, which argued that science was based on induction (Popper 2002b, 3-7). Send us feedback.Echoing the intellectual concerns of other philosophers, Sir Karl Popper was initially motivated to draw a line of demarcation between science and pseudo-science (Popper 2002, 344). These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'satisfactory.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Paul Herrera, Rolling Stone, 27 July 2022 See More Nathan Ruiz, Baltimore Sun, 28 July 2022 Machine and deep learning help apps like Spotify and Apple Music, which generate the majority of the revenue in the overall music industry, help ensure a satisfactory experience for the listener. Roy Berendsohn, Popular Mechanics, 29 July 2022 His grandfather, too, was largely stumped, with both noting Jackson has a satisfactory truck.

another word for satisfactory

New York Times, 31 July 2022 If the plug makes a satisfactory fit (flush with the surface), sand with 120-, 150-, and 220-grit discs. 2022 Julia Giarmoleo, a spokeswoman for the E.P.A., said that improvements had been made but satisfactory lab tests have not been consistent. 2022 Until this week, Epson's support page about the message said: At some point, the product will reach a condition where either satisfactory print quality cannot be maintained or components have reached the end of their usable life. 2022 The referee’s first report, in August 2021, said the university was making satisfactory progress and working in good faith to comply. Robert Legare, Arden Farhi, CBS News, 31 Aug. 2022 Finding the submission satisfactory, the magistrate judge orders its release a day later. Recent Examples on the Web If insurers lose satisfactory financial ratings, homeowners could be forced to find other coverage.

Another word for satisfactory